Opening the Github codespace to have an environment to work with the Docker#
To avoid installation and configuration issues we are going to deploy an environment for you containing VS Code and Docker.
If you want to open directly a GitHub codespace for this specific repository click here:
Don’t change the configuration and accept the default option. It says pay but you’re not paying…
If you want to do it manually go to course website
Click on button Code and click on the Codespaces tab. There click on Create codespace. Now your Nextflow environment will be built following the instructions in devcontainer.json file (i.e. installing Ubuntu, Docker, VSCode with Docker extension) with additional customization added in the Dockerfile (i.e, installing Docker dependencies).
To learn more about Github codespaces go here
Please remember to delete your Codespace by the end of the class so that you do not consume your free Github codespace credits! If you do not delete it it will be deleted automatically days after your created.
Please to install Docker follow this link and download the version that matches you OS.