Nextflow fundamentals tutorial#

Our first script is going to be the typical "Hello World!" script to start learning any programming language. Let’s get hands on the code!

Running our first script#

Open a new file in VSCode in the codespace by clicking the New file icon or by typing in the terminal code (nf is the extension for Nextflow scripts). Then copy / paste the following code. Save the file as
#!/usr/bin/env nextflow

 * Use echo to print 'Hello World!' to standard out
// A process
process sayHello {

    // code block (here using bash)
    echo "Your name says Hello World!"

// the workflow
workflow {

    // emit a greeting

Now let’s have a look to the code. A Nextflow script involves two main types of core components: process/es and the workflow. Each process describes what operation(s) should be performed (in our case printing ‘Hello World!’), while the workflow describes the dataflow logic that connects the various steps. For now we only have output and code block in the process and only one process is called in the workflow block (sayHello()).

Let’s try to run your first Nextflow script in your codespace:

nextflow run

How do you feel? Success? :)

Find the output and logs in the work directory#

The first time you run a pipeline it will create a new directory called work. In this directory all the logs and results of each process will be stored in a folder named with a random hexadecimal code.

To find which is the folder that you have to look for check at the run summary of your pipeline, then do an ls work/<hexadecimal code here>.

To see the entire work folder structure use tree:

tree -a work

Spend some time identifying all the files produced in your first script.

If we look inside each subdirectory, we find the following log files:

  • .command.begin: Metadata related to the beginning of the execution of the process task

  • .command.err: Error messages (stderr) emitted by the process task

  • .command.log: Complete log output emitted by the process task

  • .command.out: Regular output (stdout) by the process task

  • The command that was run by the process task call

  • .exitcode: The exit code resulting from the command

As you wrote your results in the standard output, where do you think you will find your greeting message? Are there some files empty for this run? Why?

You may have also noticed that you get some .nextflow.log files with all Nextflow activity since you run the script. These ones accumulate until 10 files. To see the one corresponding to the latest run do a less .nextflow.log. Very useful for debugging as well!

Send the output to a file and save it on an specific folder#

Let’s write the output to a file, we need to define the output in a different way and change the bash code in the code block.

Now in the output gets defined as a file instead of stdout.

The path qualifier allows you to provide input/output files to the process execution context.

    path 'output.txt'

We adapt the code block. Now the greeting message is directed into the file called output.txt.

echo 'Hello World!' > output.txt

Run the pipeline again!

nextflow run

Now go and find the output file in the work directory.

Now let’s save the outputfile on an specific folder called results. We will do that by specifying in the directives the results folder using the directive publishDir.

Directives are optional settings that affect the execution of the current process.

process sayHello {

    publishDir 'results', mode: 'copy'

        path 'output.txt'

Run the pipeline again!

nextflow run

Were was the output file saved now? Could you find it anywhere else? Notice the mode: 'copy'. Is your greeting message now in .command.out?

With mode: 'copy' you are telling Nextflow that the reults need to be just a copy of the results saved in the work directory. There are other mode types to modify the publishDir behaviour.

Add in variable inputs using a channel#

Let’s add some more flexibility by using an input variable, so that we can easily change the greeting message.

This requires us to make few changes:

  1. Tell the process about expected variable inputs using the input block

  2. Edit the process to use the input value (in the process block)

  3. Create a channel to pass input to the process (more on that in a minute)

  4. Add the channel as input to the process call (in the workflow block)

1. Input definition to the process block:#

Adding an input definition.

The val qualifier accepts any data type. It can be accessed in the process script by using the specified input name.

process sayHello {

    publishDir 'results', mode: 'copy'

        val greeting

        path "output.txt"

2. Editing the process command to use the input variable#

Changing the code to write the variable (containing our grreting) in the output file:

echo "$greeting" > output.txt

3. Creating an input channel#

This needs to be done in the workflow block.

Nextflow uses channels to feed inputs to processes and ferry data between processes that are connected together

workflow {

    // creating a channel for inputs
    greeting_ch = Channel.of('Hello world!')

    // emitting a greeting

4. Adding the channel as input to the process call#

Now we need to actually plug our newly created channel into the sayHello() process call.

// emit a greeting

And run the pipeline again!

nextflow run

Relaunch a pipeline without repeating steps#

One of the core features of Nextflow is the ability to cache task executions and re-use them in subsequent runs to minimize duplicate work. Reentrancy is useful both for recovering from errors and for iteratively when developing a pipeline.

In other words use the -resume option to run a pipeline again without repeating the processes that have already been completed without errors.

nextflow run -resume

What happened? Did your sayHello() process run again? Notice that the work subdirectory referenced in the summary of the pipeline execution has not changed and contains all results files and logs from the previous run, this step has not run again.

Use command line interface (CLI) parameters for inputs#

Nextflow has a built-in workflow parameter system called params, which makes it easy to declare and use CLI parameters.

So try to specify the input from the command line. For that you need to modify how the channel is created to get now the greeting value from the CLI in the workflow block.

// create a channel for inputs
greeting_ch = Channel.of(params.greeting)

Run the pipeline! Let’s greet på Dansk!

nextflow run --greeting 'Hej verden!'

Notice one thing here, for parameters that apply to a pipeline, we use a double hyphen (–), whereas we use a single hyphen (-) for parameters that modify a specific Nextflow setting, e.g. the -resume feature we used earlier.

How the result looks now? Very Danish?

Let’s add a second process to our pipeline#

Now we introduce a second process that converts the text to uppercase.

Here it is just an scheme for the code:

 * Let's convert the greeting to uppercase
process convertToUpper {

    // directives
    //publish a directory for results

        //define an input file

    // we modify the output file name
    // the output file should contain an indication that these is an uppercase message and the input file name
    // Avoid spaces in the file name
        //define an output file that contains

    // now we add the bash code to convert the greeting to uppercase
    // A way to do that in bash scripting is cat file | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]' > output
    // By the way do not add // (comments in your script block) they will be interpreted

Let’s modify the code in the workflow block to accomodate the second process.

The output of the sayHello process is automatically packaged as a channel called sayHello.out, so all we need to do is pass that as the input to the convertToUpper process.

workflow {

    // create a channel for inputs
    greeting_ch = Channel.of(params.greeting)

    // emit a greeting

    // convert the greeting to uppercase

Now you are ready to greet på Dansk igen!

nextflow run --greeting 'Hej verden!'

What happened now? How many processes have been run? Did your code edits work? How are your output files named and where were they saved?

Let’s run the script on a batch of input values#

Workflows typically run on batches of inputs that are meant to be processed in bulk, so we want to upgrade the workflow to accept multiple input values.

Channel.of() factory we’ve been using is quite happy to accept more than one value. Imagine that these could be used to pass a list of genes, genomes or files …

There are different factory channels to create the channels. Here you have an example where I used factory Channel.fromFilePairs() fastq read files.

params.reads = "$projectDir/data/*_{1,2}.fq.gz"

    .fromFilePairs(params.reads, checkIfExists: true)
    .toSortedList( { a, b -> a[0] <=> b[0] } )
    .set { read_pairs_ch }

.toSortedList, .flatMap, .set, .view are operators to transform the channel and achieve the input files in the desired format.

Back into our channel. Please modify the following, where do you need to add that?

// create a channel for inputs
greeting_ch = Channel.of('Hello','Bonjour','Hola','Hej')

We want to ensure the output file names will be unique as they will be all written in the same folder results. Let’s generate a file name dynamically so that the final file names will be unique. We need then to modify the code in the process sayHello:

process sayHello {

    publishDir 'results', mode: 'copy'

        val greeting

        path "${greeting}-output.txt"

    echo "$greeting" > "${greeting}-output.txt"

Let’s run the script again. But hang on, to expand the logging to display one line per process call to have a closer look to what is going on, just add -ansi-log false to the command.

nextflow run -ansi-log false

Did you see something different in the summary of the nextflow run?

Check the results folder and the output files:

tree results
less results/Hello-output.txt
less results/Hej-output.txt

Take a file source of input values (a sample file)#

Finally last modification to our script. Usually workflows start from a sample file. In Nextflow and in nf-core standards this is usually called samplesheet.csv. We will create a file called greetings.csv for our example pipeline and save it in a folder called data.

mkdir data
cd data
echo "Hello,Bonjour,Hola,Hej" > greetings.csv
less greetings.csv
cd .. 

Does the file greetings.csv look as greetings separated per commas? :) Then you are good to go on…

Now we need to set up a CLI parameter with a default value pointing to an input file. Let’s put that piece of code by the bginning of our script:

 * Pipeline parameters
params.input_file = "data/greetings.csv"

We need to construct the channel. We use channel factory, Channel.fromPath(), which has some built-in functionality for handling file paths. Furthermore, we’re going to add the .splitCsv() operator to make Nextflow parse the file contents accordingly, as well as the .flatten() operator to turn the array element produced by .splitCsv() into a channel of individual elements.

By now you should know where to add this piece of code:

// create a channel for inputs from a CSV file
greeting_ch = Channel.fromPath(params.input_file)

Ok, lets try this script one last time!

nextflow run

Did you get the same results? Hopefully yes but now you used a greetings.csv that could be your samplesheet.csv file if you run a real biological pipeline.


You should also have a basic idea of how to build a workflow and manage inputs and outputs. You know how to provide the input values to the workflow via the CLI or a file. You know how to define your output files and how to save the results in an specific folder.

More generally, you’ve learned how to use the essential components of Nextflow:

  • Channels: contain the input of the workflows used by the processes. Channels connect processes with each other.

  • Operators: transform the content of channels by applying functions or transformations. Operators are usually applied on channels to get the input of a process in the desired format.

  • Processes: define the script or software that is run (e.g. a fastQC analysis on sequenced data).

  • Workflows: call the processes as functions with channels as input arguments, only processes defined in the workflow are run.

Full script#

Here you have you first nextflow script in full! Congratulations!
#!/usr/bin/env nextflow

 * Pipeline parameters
params.input_file = "data/greetings.csv"

 * Process 1: Use echo to print 'Hello World!' to an output file
process sayHello {
    publishDir 'results', mode: 'copy'

        path input_file

        path "${greeting}-output.txt"

    echo "$greeting" > "$greeting-output.txt"

 * Process 2: Use a text replace utility as we will do it in bash to convert the greeting to uppercase
process convertToUpper {

    publishDir 'results', mode: 'copy'

        path input_file

    // we modify the output file name
        path "UPPER-${input_file}"

    // now we add the bash code to convert the greeting to uppercase
    cat "$input_file" | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]' > UPPER-${input_file}

workflow {

    // create a channel for inputs from a CSV file
    greeting_ch = Channel.fromPath(params.input_file)

    // emit a greeting

    // convert the greeting to uppercase