
On November 2024, the Data Science platform from DTU Biosustain launched a series of hands-on workshops about different subjects related to Data Science for DTU Biosustain and DTU Bioengineering research fellows. In this first edition we covered the subjects below. If interested, stay tuned for future Data Science workshops!

Introduction the command line with bash#

You can find the slides here. Find the associated repository at

Demystifying git#

Find the instructions for the training here

You can view a recording with some hints related specifically to the exercises on youtube: Instructions on youtube

Data Visualizaton with R#

Find the material in the repository biosustain/dsp_workshop_datavizR on GitHub.

The material is available as a hmtl document for direct viewing here.

Nextflow for reproducible workflows#

Find the material as a website here. The repository itself is available at

Docker Introduction#

Find the slides and hands-on material (running in GitHub Codespaces) under course contents at