============ Installation ============ Setting up a virtual environment first ====================================== We highly recommended installing marsi inside a virtual environment using (anaconda_). There is no conda recipe for marsi, but the dependencies can be easily installed using ``conda``. *MARSI* needs to be installed it using ``pip``. To create a virtual environment and get some of the heavier dependencies out of the way, run the following command: .. code-block:: bash $ conda create -y -n marsi python=3.4 cython Alternatively you can use ``virtualenv``. virtualenvwrapper_ tremendously simplifies using virtualenv_ and can easily be installed using virtualenv-burrito_. Once you installed virtualenv_ and virtualenvwrapper_, run .. code-block:: bash $ mkvirtualenv marsi # or whatever you'd like to call your virtual environment $ workon marsi and then continue with the installation instructions described below. Dependencies required before installation ========================================= Using conda ----------- All dependencies will by installed by running the following commands .. code-block:: bash $ conda install -c openbabel openbabel $ conda install -c rdkit rdkit Alternatively you can install the dependencies one by one. Cython ------ To install Cython follow the cython-installation_ documentation provided on their website. Numpy ----- Numpy can be installed using ``conda``: .. code-block:: bash $ conda install numpy Or can also be installed using pip: .. code-block:: bash $ pip install numpy Eigen3 ------ To install Eigen3 on Ubuntu/Debian run: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo apt-get install libeigen3-dev To install Eigen3 on MacOS X use homebrew_: .. code-block:: bash $ brew install eigen3 OpenBabel --------- To install OpenBabel_ on Ubuntu/Debian run: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo apt-get install openbabel libopenbabel-dev On MacOS X it can be installed using homebrew_: .. code-block:: bash $ brew install open-babel RDKit ----- RDKit_ can be installed using the rdkit-documentation_. For MacOS X we recommend using homebrew_: .. code-block:: bash $ brew install rdkit GLPK ---- Using constraint-based methods with marsi requires glpk_ to be installed. In order to generate python bindings, swig_ is also required. On Ubuntu/Debing we recommend using: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo apt-get install libglpk-dev glpk-utils swig On MacOS X it can be installed using homebrew_. .. code-block:: bash $ brew install swig $ brew install glpk Optional -------- CPLEX ----- CPLEX is a commercial solver with great performance. It solves linear, mixed-integer and quadratic problems. Install CPLEX as described in cplex-install_ and then install the python bindings (cplex-python_). Installation ============ **marsi** can be installed using ``pip``. .. code-block:: bash $ pip install marsi Soft dependencies ================= The following soft dependencies can be installed all at once using ``pip install marsi[all]`` or individually by specifying individual categories of dependencies (for example ``pip install marsi[jupyter,3d, ...]``). The following categories are available:: 'docs': ['Sphinx>=1.3.5', 'numpydoc>=0.5'], 'jupyter': ['jupyter>=1.0.0', 'ipywidgets>=4.1.1'], 'test': ['nose>=1.3.7', 'rednose>=0.4.3', 'coverage>=4.0.3'], '3d': ['imolecule>=0.1.13'], 'opencl': ['pyopencl>=2016.1'] .. _anaconda: https://anaconda.org .. _homebrew: http://brew.sh/ .. _RDKit: http://www.rdkit.org .. _OpenBabel: http://openbabel.org .. _rdkit-documentation: http://www.rdkit.org/docs/Install.html .. _glpk: https://www.gnu.org/software/glpk/ .. _cplex: http://www-01.ibm.com/software/commerce/optimization/cplex-optimizer/ .. _virtualenv-burrito: https://github.com/brainsik/virtualenv-burrito .. _virtualenv: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/virtualenv .. _virtualenvwrapper: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/virtualenvwrapper .. _cython-installation: http://cython.readthedocs.io/en/latest/src/quickstart/install.html .. _sphinx: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/sphinx .. _swig: http://www.swig.org .. _numpydoc: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/numpydoc .. _cplex-install: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSSA5P_12.7.0/ilog.odms.studio.help/Optimization_Studio/topics/COS_installing.html .. _cplex-python: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSSA5P_12.7.0/ilog.odms.cplex.help/CPLEX/GettingStarted/topics/set_up/Python_setup.html