marsi.cli package

Submodules module

class, **kw)[source]



argv The arguments list that will be used when is called.
debug Returns boolean based on whether --debug was passed at command line or set via the application’s configuration file.
last_rendered Return the (data, output_text) tuple of the last time self.render() was called.
pargs Returns the parsed_args object as returned by self.args.parse().


add_arg(*args, **kw) A shortcut for self.args.add_argument.
add_template_dir(path) Append a directory path to the list of template directories to parse for templates.
catch_signal(signum) Add signum to the list of signals to catch and handle by Cement.
close([code]) Close the application.
extend(member_name, member_object) Extend the CementApp() object with additional functions/classes such as ‘app.my_custom_function()’, etc.
get_last_rendered() DEPRECATION WARNING: This function is deprecated as of Cement 2.1.3 in favor of the self.last_rendered property, and will be removed in future versions of Cement.
reload() This function is useful for reloading a running applications, for example to reload configuration settings, etc.
remove_template_dir(path) Remove a directory path from the list of template directories to parse for templates.
render(data[, template, out]) This is a simple wrapper around self.output.render() which simply returns an empty string if no self.output handler is defined.
run() This function wraps everything together (after self._setup() is called) to run the application.
run_forever([interval, tb]) This function wraps run() with an endless while loop.
setup() This function wraps all ‘_setup’ actons in one call.
validate_config() Validate application config settings.
class Meta[source]

Bases: object

label = 'marsi'
base_controller = 'base'
handlers = [<class 'marsi.cli.controllers.MarsiBaseController'>, <class 'marsi.cli.controllers.database.DatabaseController'>, <class 'marsi.cli.controllers.modeling.OptimizationController'>, <class 'marsi.cli.controllers.chemistry.ChemistryController'>][source]

Module contents

class marsi.cli.MarsiApp(label=None, **kw)[source]



argv The arguments list that will be used when is called.
debug Returns boolean based on whether --debug was passed at command line or set via the application’s configuration file.
last_rendered Return the (data, output_text) tuple of the last time self.render() was called.
pargs Returns the parsed_args object as returned by self.args.parse().


add_arg(*args, **kw) A shortcut for self.args.add_argument.
add_template_dir(path) Append a directory path to the list of template directories to parse for templates.
catch_signal(signum) Add signum to the list of signals to catch and handle by Cement.
close([code]) Close the application.
extend(member_name, member_object) Extend the CementApp() object with additional functions/classes such as ‘app.my_custom_function()’, etc.
get_last_rendered() DEPRECATION WARNING: This function is deprecated as of Cement 2.1.3 in favor of the self.last_rendered property, and will be removed in future versions of Cement.
reload() This function is useful for reloading a running applications, for example to reload configuration settings, etc.
remove_template_dir(path) Remove a directory path from the list of template directories to parse for templates.
render(data[, template, out]) This is a simple wrapper around self.output.render() which simply returns an empty string if no self.output handler is defined.
run() This function wraps everything together (after self._setup() is called) to run the application.
run_forever([interval, tb]) This function wraps run() with an endless while loop.
setup() This function wraps all ‘_setup’ actons in one call.
validate_config() Validate application config settings.
class Meta[source]

Bases: object

label = 'marsi'
base_controller = 'base'
handlers = [<class 'marsi.cli.controllers.MarsiBaseController'>, <class 'marsi.cli.controllers.database.DatabaseController'>, <class 'marsi.cli.controllers.modeling.OptimizationController'>, <class 'marsi.cli.controllers.chemistry.ChemistryController'>]