
This is a course about Bayesian statistics, targeted at systems biologists.

There are three intended learning outcomes:

  1. Understand the theoretical basis for applying Bayesian data analysis to practical scientific problems

  2. Develop a familiarity with implementing Bayesian data analysis using modern software tools

  3. Gain deep understanding of both theory and practice of elements of Bayesian data analysis that are particularly relevant to computational biology, including custom hierarchical models, large analyses and statistical models with embedded ODE systems.

General format

Each week we have a one-hour seminar. The goal is to spend the time approximately as follows:

  1. 25-35mins on ‘theory’, aka learning things from the book and getting more reading material

  2. 25-35mins on practical computer work


Week 1: What is Bayesian inference?


Statistical inference in general

Bayesian statistical inference

The big challenge: dimensionality


Set up development environment

git basics

Install Stan and cmdstanpy


Jaynes (2003, Ch. 1)

Laplace (1986)

Box and Tiao (1992, Ch. 1.1)

Week 2: MCMC and Stan


What is MCMC?

Hamiltonian Monte Carlo

Probabilistic programming


Run an MCMC algorithm and inspect the results


Betancourt (2018)

Week 3: Metropolis-Hastings

Week 4: After MCMC: diagnostics, and decisions


Diagnostics: convergence, divergent transitions, effective sample size

Model evaluation as decision theory

Why negative log likelihood is a good default loss function


Diagnose some good and bad MCMC runs


Vehtari et al. (2021)

Vehtari, Gelman, and Gabry (2017)

Week 5: Regression models in biology


Generalised linear models

Prior elicitation

Hierarchical models


Compare some statistical models of a simulated biological dataset


Betancourt (2024)

Week 6: Hierarchical models

Week 7: ODEs


What is an ODE?

ODE solvers

ODE solvers inside probabilistic programs


Fit a model with an ODE.


Timonen et al. (2022)

Week 8: Bayesian workflow


Parts of a statistical anlaysis (not just inference!)

Why Bayesian workflow is complex: non-linearity and plurality

Writing scalable statistical programming projects


Write a scalable statistical analysis with bibat.


Gelman et al. (2020)

Week 9-10: Project

Format: one hour joint feedback and help session


Betancourt, Michael. 2018. “A Conceptual Introduction to Hamiltonian Monte Carlo.” arXiv:1701.02434 [Stat], July. http://arxiv.org/abs/1701.02434.
———. 2024. “Hierarchical Modeling.” https://betanalpha.github.io/assets/case_studies/hierarchical_modeling.html.
Box, George E. P., and George C. Tiao. 1992. “Bayesian Inference in Statistical Analysis.” A Wiley-Interscience Publication. New York: Wiley. https://onlinelibrary-wiley-com.proxy.findit.cvt.dk/doi/epdf/10.1002/9781118033197.
Gelman, Andrew, Aki Vehtari, Daniel Simpson, Charles C. Margossian, Bob Carpenter, Yuling Yao, Lauren Kennedy, Jonah Gabry, Paul-Christian Bürkner, and Martin Modrák. 2020. “Bayesian Workflow.” arXiv:2011.01808 [Stat], November. http://arxiv.org/abs/2011.01808.
Jaynes, E. T. 2003. “Probability Theory: The Logic of Science.” Edited by G. Larry Bretthorst. Cambridge, UK: https://readyforai.com/download/probability-theory-the-logic-of-science-pdf/; Cambridge University Press.
Laplace, Pierre Simon. 1986. “Memoir on the Probability of the Causes of Events.” Statistical Science 1 (3). https://doi.org/10.1214/ss/1177013621.
Timonen, Juho, Nikolas Siccha, Ben Bales, Harri Lähdesmäki, and Aki Vehtari. 2022. “An Importance Sampling Approach for Reliable and Efficient Inference in Bayesian Ordinary Differential Equation Models.” arXiv. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2205.09059.
Vehtari, Aki, Andrew Gelman, and Jonah Gabry. 2017. “Practical Bayesian Model Evaluation Using Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation and WAIC.” Statistics and Computing 27 (5): 1413–32. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11222-016-9696-4.
Vehtari, Aki, Andrew Gelman, Daniel Simpson, Bob Carpenter, and Paul-Christian Bürkner. 2021. “Rank-Normalization, Folding, and Localization: An Improved R^ for Assessing Convergence of MCMC (with Discussion).” Bayesian Analysis 16 (2): 667–718. https://doi.org/10.1214/20-BA1221.