1. Getting started
load_model can be used to load a model.
model.solve() simulates the model.
reaction.flux contains the computed flux of the reaction.
model.solve() also returns a solution object that contains the simulation results.
2. Genome-scale metabolic models
model.metabolites contains all metabolites in model.
model.reactions contains all reactions in model.
model.genes contains all genes in model.
3. Pathway visualization
https://escher.github.io/ provides a standalone web application for pathway visualizations.
escher.Builder embeds pathway visualizations inside jupyter notebooks.
escher.Builder has keyword arguments for providing reaction, metabolite, and gene related data.
4. Analyzing metabolic models
flux_variability_analysis calculates all the minimum and maximum fluxes that all reactions in a model can attain.
flux_variability_analysis has a keyword argument fraction_of_optimum that allows one to specify a fraction of the model’s objective that needs to be achieved.
5. Manipulating models
cameo.util.TimeMachine provides a convenient way to undo changes to models in order to avoid copies.
reaction.change_bounds allows one to change the lower and upper bound of reaction simultaneously.
Reaction and Metabolite can be used to define reactions.
model.add_reaction(reaction) adds reaction to model.
6. Gene essentiality
7. Calculating yields
8. Heterologous pathways
9. Gene deletion strategies
cameo.strain_design.OptGene is strain design methods that utilizes genetic algorithms to determine gene (or reaction) knockout combinations that are likely to increase production.
cameo.strain_design.OptKnock use mixed integer linear programming to compute knockout combinations that couple production to growth.
10. Gene expression modulation
11. Data-driven design of cell factories using the DD-DeCaF platform